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IB PS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2019:   Dear Followers, IBPS has conducted first slot clerk prelims examination on 7 th  December 2019. We hope, candidates those who have appeared for IBPS Clerk prelims exam are wrote your exams well. Right now all the aspirants are expecting about IBPS Clerk Prelims exam analysis 2019. Candidates those who have the IBPS clerk exams in upcoming days can do their last minute preparation based on the IBPS Clerk prelims exam analysis 2019 . IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2019 | Detailed Review As we know, remaining candidates have the IBPS Clerk Prelims examination on December 8 th . For their reference we have provided IBPS Clerk prelims exam analysis 2019. In that analysis we have mentioned the section wise difficulty level, number of good attempts and number of safe attempts. Our team has done a detailed review on IBPS Clerk prelims exam 2019. We have collect opinions from various categories of people. Based on that, we ha...
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Vegetarian protein sources

VEGETARIAN PROTEIN SOURCES प्रोटीन(Protein) हमारे शरीर के लिए बहुत आवश्यक है यह सब जानते हैं पर कितना प्रोटीन और कैसे लिया जाये इस पर कोई भी दो लोग एकमत नहीं दिखते। वर्तमान में प्रोटीन की प्रति दिन आवश्यकता(RDI) के बारे में यह कहा जा सकता है कि 19-70 साल की किसी महिला को 46 ग्राम(Gram) और पुरुष को 56 ग्राम(Gram) प्रोटीन प्रतिदिन जरूर लेना चाहिए। प्रोटीन हमारे शरीर में अमीनो एसिड(Amino Acids) में टूट कर बॉडी सेल्स(Body Cells) को बढ्ने में और शरीर की टूट फूट की मरम्मत में मदद करते हैं। प्रोटीन के मुख्य स्रोत किसी से पूछें तो सबसे पहले मीट(Meat) और दूध(Milk) का नाम लिया जाता है। जो लोग मीट नहीं खाते उनके लिए प्रोटीन की रोज की खुराक के लिए उन्हे एक मांसाहारी(Non-Vegetarian) की तुलना में ज्यादा मेहनत करनी पड़ती है पर फिर भी ये नामुमकिन नहीं है, आइये जानते हैं किसी शाकाहारी(Vegetarian) के लिए प्रोटीन के क्या क्या स्रोत हो सकते हैं… क्या आप जानते हैं एक कप मटर(Peas) में भी उतना ही प्रोटीन होता है जितना कि एक कप दूध में होता है? हाँ ये सच है हम जिस दूध को प्रोटीन का सबसे अच्छा स्रोत सम...
IBPS PO Prelims Result 2018 likely to be declared on this date: Check at The date of the result is not officially confirmed to be released today. Candidates are thus advised to keep refreshing the official page for the latest updates. Ibps PO  Prelims Result 2018: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection will soon declare the results of the 2018 preliminary examination conducted for the recruitment of Probationary Officer. According to some reports, the results are expected to be released by October 31. The results are usually announced between 12 and 3 pm. Once the results are out, candidates are requested to log onto the official website - . The date of the result is not officially confirmed to be released today. Candidates are thus advised to keep refreshing the official page for the latest updates. IBPS PO Prelims result 2018: How to check Log onto the Click on the link to view the result status of CRP PO Preliminar...

daily need of nutrients

Nutrients - your body needs them!   But, what are nutrients? The nutrients found in all foods and drinks provide  nourishment for the body. This nourishment is in the  form of: Substances which provide energy Building blocks for bone, muscle, organs, hormones and blood Substances needed for processes to occur in the body (like digestion) Substances that protect the body Nutrients are drawn from a wide variety of foods and  the more varied your diet, the more likely you are to  obtain all the nutrients you need. Did you know? Protein, fats and carbohydrates are converted into energy in different quantities. Vitamins and minerals are also essential nutrients for the body, but they are not converted into energy. Energy Content 1 gram of protein 17 kJ 1 gram of fat 37 kJ 1 gram of carbohydrates 17 kJ 1 gram of dietary fibre 8 kJ 1 gram of alcohol 29 kJ Alcohol - second only to fat! ...